Children's Mental Health Week 2022

Growing Together

Children's Mental Health Week is taking place on 7-13 February 2022. This year's theme is Growing Together.

The theme will encourage children and adults to think about how much they have grown this year and how they can help others to grow.

Find out more about this year’s theme at and discover the many free resources they have on offer to help your school or academy take part in the week. These resources can even be adapted for use in online lessons.

The importance of mental health

The purpose of the week is to highlight the importance of children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. Schools can support students and promote the importance of mental wellbeing by teaching about it, providing resources and creating an open environment for students to start conversations about it.

Being open and providing support can help children and young people to grow emotionally. Often emotional growth is a gradual process that develops over time, therefore, it can be hard to notice just how far you've come and how much you've grown. However, it's important to recognise this development. This is what this year's theme is all about.

Please use the resources in the resources box to help plan lessons and start conversations with your students.

Students and mental health

There are increasing numbers of children demonstrating signs and symptoms of mental ill-health, so it is essential that they get support from school. Whilst teachers are not medical health professionals, they are still in a position to help their students when they are struggling. Even just offering to listen can be a big help. For more advice on how you can help your students, read Handsam's interview with professor Jonathan Glazard as he discusses pupil mental health.

Handsam resources

External resources resources are available here



BBC mental health and wellbeing resources for education