New Workplace Menopause Policy

Download Handsam's new policy for the management of menopause in the workplace

At the request of our clients, we have generated a new document designed for the management of menopause in the workplace, Example Workplace Menopause Policy.

This is now included in the Quick Guide library. If you would like to download the policy, please contact the Handsam Client Support Team at

If you would like access to the menopause policy but do not subscribe to our policy service, please contact our client support team at to upgrade your subscription.

Example Workplace Menopause Policy

This policy template is to be used as a set of guidelines for organisations to follow in order to achieve compliance with equality and health and safety legislation. It will help schools and academies to make decisions and achieve healthy outcomes regarding staff members experiencing menopausal symptoms.

What Does the Policy Include?

Handsam's menopause policy is written as a guide for workplace representatives. It should be agreed through proper consultation with recognised trade unions and stakeholders, and modified to suit individual workplaces and employees.

Menopause is a normal stage of life that usually occurs around the age of 50 whereby menstrual periods stop and the production of oestrogen decreases. An estimated 13 million people are living with menopause in the UK, including women, trans people and intersex people. People from these communities may have experiences that differ due to a variety of factors, but ‘people who menstruate’ also require consideration in this policy.

The policy includes:

  • Aims that are closely aligned with the Equality Act and staff welfare
  • Useful definitions to help staff understand and talk about menopause
  • An explanation of menopausal symptoms and effects
  • First steps employees and managers can take to educate and inform staff, and create an equal work environment for all
  • How menopause is linked to health and safety regulations and government legislation
  • Lots of resources and further support