The Restraint Option

A Handsam system update

What is the Restraint option?

Due to client demand, a Restraint option, on the Incident log, has been added to the Handsam system. It works within the same framework as the current Incident Report and appears as an additional option on the first tab. If this is selected, the corresponding information boxes will appear, with relevant drop-down choices to select from.

As with all types of incident reporting, you have the option to add multiple students and persons restraining. There are also additional restraint fields in the third tab, where further information may be added if required. This new function allows clients to keep an accurate and comprehensive record of restraint incidents within the school or academy. It allows reports to be created and patterns established.

Step One

Create your incident report in the usual way.

Step Two

On Tab 1 in the Incident Type drop down list, you will now have the option to select Restraint.

Step Three

When this option is selected, the information options will change for you to add the type of restraint. Please select the one that is relevant to your incident.

Step Four

Please complete the remainder of tab 1, and all of tab 2, in the normal way.

Step Five

On Tab 3; Restraint Details, you should complete the required fields with the relevant information, as you would for an accident or illness. You have the option to add more than one restrainer by selecting the Add Restrainer+ tab.

Step Six

You have the ability to add more than one person who has been restrained, by clicking the +Add Restraint button and completing the information again for a different person.

Step Seven

On this tab, you also have the option to add more information to your records. If you select Click to expand additional restraint fields, you will have the ability to add further information that may be required for future reference.

Step Eight

If these fields are completed, this information will be shown on the individual's tab on the overview page but not on the Incident Overview Tab.

For further details, please contact our Client Support team: or 03332 070737 or use the online form.